Montezumas Like No Udder Chocolate

A new try today! As the weather has gone Arctic in England, I have gone back to have hot porridge for breakfast in the freezing cold mornings. Now I am not a massive fan of porridge, but I know that it is good for me and I know that it fills me up for longer, … Continue reading Montezumas Like No Udder Chocolate

Wicked! Mint choc chip ice cream

I know, I know! I said that I would probably never try anything Wicked! ever again because every time I try something it burns my face off with spices. But this is ice can't make spicy ice cream can you??!! I had seen so many people raving about the Wicked! ice cream, so decided … Continue reading Wicked! Mint choc chip ice cream

WICKED Spicy mac pot

One of these days I will learn that me and WICKED do not get on. Which is a shame because some of their ready-made sandwiches are actually pretty nice...but I think they may the exception to the WICKED mantra. When this thing says it's a 'spicy smokey dreamy mac' what it really means is 'spicy … Continue reading WICKED Spicy mac pot

Sarelle Dark chocolate and Hazelnut bar

A NEW CHOCOLATE BAR!? I found this little gem while I was meant to be looking for something different. I was down the 'World Foods' aisle at my local Tesco when I saw the words 'chocolate bar' and lost all memory of why I was down this aisle in the first place. So this bar … Continue reading Sarelle Dark chocolate and Hazelnut bar

Livia’s Million Squares

For the first time in almost 4 months, I found myself buying my lunch at work the other day. Which is when I came across these little goodies! Now these are kind of expensive for what they are as the little packet cost me £1.50. But I hadn't seen these before and I fancied a … Continue reading Livia’s Million Squares

Chicago Town BBQ Jackfruit pizza

Step aside every other pizza that has ever existed....I give you the King. Now I am not usually the biggest fan of BBQ because I find that the spice always overpowers the sweet and it just tastes a bit...funky. But I saw this one on my grocery shop and decided that I would give it … Continue reading Chicago Town BBQ Jackfruit pizza

Free From Kitchen: Salted caramel chocolate

During lockdown I have been trying my best to really focus on my health and fitness. from eating a lot more plant based meals (so not eating as many processed alternatives and cooking more home cooked meals) and working out every day. So far, it has gone pretty well, and I have gone down at … Continue reading Free From Kitchen: Salted caramel chocolate