Favourite vegan make up brands

Now I want to preface this by saying that I am in no way a 'make up' person. I know the absolute bare minimum when it comes to make up and I am only now learning how to really enjoy make up. I am very slowly learning how to 'properly' wear make up and how … Continue reading Favourite vegan make up brands

Is the word ‘pet’ vegan?

Daily writing promptIf you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it be? Why?View all responses I saw this prompt and thought that it was a good opportunity to talk about the word 'pet' within the vegan and animal rights movement. This is something that I have noticed change over the … Continue reading Is the word ‘pet’ vegan?

What is the animal holocaust?

This is quite a testy sentence that I have seen being used by a number of vegan activists, both from individuals and organisations. Whilst there is a part of me that understands why they use this language, I personally do not agree with it. I have always loved languages, especially the written language. I loved … Continue reading What is the animal holocaust?

Can vegans eat home grown honey?

This is a topic of debate that I see very often and I am always interested in the different arguments for each side. I therefore though it would be fun to hear from you guys as to what you would do: Would you eat home grown honey? And by home grown I mean honey that … Continue reading Can vegans eat home grown honey?

Is the American Dream real?

I was looking through some old photos over the weekend, and making myself sad about how I (and almost the entire world) have not had a holiday in almost 2 years!! I love travel, and now more than ever the travel blues and wanderlust has truly set in. The idea of getting on a plane … Continue reading Is the American Dream real?

Why perfection is a myth

Following on my previous post, I wanted to take another little opportunity to reiterate that veganism is not an all or nothing lifestyle. That just because you are vegan does not mean that you also have to try and right every other wrong in the world. The idea of the 'perfect person' is a myth … Continue reading Why perfection is a myth

Should vegans get vaccinations?

I have been seeing a lot of stuff going around online lately about whether vegans can have vaccinations and still call themselves vegans. It is an issue that is very much up for debate, even if you are not vegan. Personally, I will always advocate for modern medicine as much as possible and it is … Continue reading Should vegans get vaccinations?

Can vegans use non-vegan products that they already own?

One of the big misconceptions that I have found with veganism is the idea that if you want to go vegan you have to do away with everything non-vegan that you own in your life. While this method may work with other lifestyles, such as minimalism or decluttering, I have found this way of thinking … Continue reading Can vegans use non-vegan products that they already own?