Is veganism healthy?

Daily writing promptWhat’s something most people don’t understand?View all responses This is a fun conversation I like to have with people. As soon as people hear that I am vegan, they automatically assume that I am super healthy and eat nothing but home cooked meals and have not even looked at a bit of junk … Continue reading Is veganism healthy?

Best sources of vegan protein

Once you tell someone that you follow a vegan lifestyle, the first question you will get is 'but where do you get your protein from?'. When I was vegetarian (so still eating eggs and dairy) I was never asked this question once, yet as soon as I went vegan it was all anyone would ask … Continue reading Best sources of vegan protein

Free Soul vegan protein bar

A big part of building muscle at the gym is ensuring you eat enough protein. Not only does protein help you to build your muscles, it will also help you recover quicker by helping to repair your muscles. Protein is also harder for your body to break down, so high protein foods will leave you … Continue reading Free Soul vegan protein bar

Nourished Inner Peace nutrient stack

This is a new one for me. I have seen a load of different vegan products in my 8 years of veganism, but this was a first. I was actually given this by one of my work collegues, who in turn told me that she recieved it in a welcome pack at her new gym. … Continue reading Nourished Inner Peace nutrient stack

ASCIS London 10km run

I have always loved running. I started running when I was an early teen but really fell in love with it when I was about 16 years old. I have spent most of my life going through periods of running lots and then having quiet periods where I do no running at all. But last … Continue reading ASCIS London 10km run

World Mental Health Day

Today - Monday 10 October - is World Mental Health Day. This year, the theme for Mental Health Day is 'Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority' and you can find out more information about how this is being achieved here at their website. I am, and will always be, a big … Continue reading World Mental Health Day

Mental Health and lockdown

This is slightly different to what I usually talk about, but I feel it is important and needs to be addressed. Mental health, to me, is just as - if not more - important as physical health, and 2020 has been a year that has truly tested us collectively. From the threat of a global … Continue reading Mental Health and lockdown

Taylor Tries the Gregg’s Vegan Sausage Roll

The dish that started it all. The one pastry that was supposedly responsible to every Gregg's employee getting a tidy little Christmas bonus due to it's resounding success and popularity during 2019. Such success was greatly deserved, as these little pastry wrapped Quorn sausages are just the right thing. Not only are they super cheap, … Continue reading Taylor Tries the Gregg’s Vegan Sausage Roll