Dating a non-vegan

One of the most common questions I get when I mention that I live with my boyfriend and that I am vegan, is whether or not he is vegan too. When I say no, they immediately respond with 'then why are you with him?'. And to this day I never know how to respond to … Continue reading Dating a non-vegan

Taylor Tries to free roam bunnies: A journey

We have had our two bunnies, Lola (the fluffy lionhead) and Sasha (brown and white) for just over 6 months now, and I love them more than anything else in this world. They may be small, but these little bunnies make up for their size with their sass and their silly antics. They have been … Continue reading Taylor Tries to free roam bunnies: A journey

Taylor Tries the Gregg’s Vegan Sausage Roll

The dish that started it all. The one pastry that was supposedly responsible to every Gregg's employee getting a tidy little Christmas bonus due to it's resounding success and popularity during 2019. Such success was greatly deserved, as these little pastry wrapped Quorn sausages are just the right thing. Not only are they super cheap, … Continue reading Taylor Tries the Gregg’s Vegan Sausage Roll

Plant Kitchen Salted Caramel Truffles

Another new addition for Veganuary comes in the form of Marks and Spencer's Plant Kitchen range. It involves a whole new range of plant based food, including these little droplets of joy - The Salted Caramel chocolate truffles. I am not usually the biggest fan of salted caramel, as all I tend to taste is … Continue reading Plant Kitchen Salted Caramel Truffles

Taylor Tries Papa John’s ‘Pepperoni’

If there is one thing you need to know about me, it is that I love a good pizza. When I first went vegan, this was the hardest thing to come to terms with: No proper pizza, with that beautiful instagram worthy stretchy cheese. For the first few years of my journey, I had become … Continue reading Taylor Tries Papa John’s ‘Pepperoni’

Taylor Tries Ikea’s soft serve ice cream

Since becoming a home owner, IKEA has become my sanctuary....honestly I could spend an entire day there just looking at all of the neat stuff that they have and how I can fit it all into my little one bedroom apartment. So the fact that they now do vegan ice cream was just even more … Continue reading Taylor Tries Ikea’s soft serve ice cream

Kingdom Hearts 3: Worth the wait?

I know this may be a bit late to the game (no pun intended) as it did release in January this year. However, I am only now getting to the end of the game and thought now is as good a time as ever to discuss my thoughts on this game. Slight disclaimer: I have … Continue reading Kingdom Hearts 3: Worth the wait?

Video Game of the week…

This week has been a tough one! From super busy schedules to super stressful work days, this week has felt like a crazy whirlwind of activities but also the longest week of the year. And sometimes no matter how hard you try, there are some things that not even a good work out can fix … Continue reading Video Game of the week…