Time management tips for the busy

Daily writing promptHow do you balance work and home life?View all responses I am someone who tends to take on far too much. There are just so many things I would like to do and there are literally not enough hours in the day to do them all, especially when I work a full time … Continue reading Time management tips for the busy

Why I am vegan

Describe one positive change you have made in your life. I've been doing this blog now for about 4 years and it's only just occurred to me that I have never really explained how I came to be vegan. Everyone's journey is different and so I thought it might be nice to share my journey. … Continue reading Why I am vegan

Dealing with loss

Last week, I had to say goodbye to my sweet, sassy, beautiful Lola Bear. We fought hard alongside her for 4 long days, but in the end, her little body just couldn't fight any longer and we had to make the heart-breaking decision that every animal carer dreads in order to help her over the … Continue reading Dealing with loss

Where do vegans get their protein from?

Despite this information being readily available online, I am still asked this question on a far too regular basis. As soon as someone hears that I'm vegan, or at least hears that I don't eat meat, I am met with the obligatory 'But what about your protein intake?' as though without meat it is only … Continue reading Where do vegans get their protein from?

How to bunny proof your house

This may be a cheat but last year I did a short post about how to bunny proof your house so that your rabbit can be free range. These tips will help make your home suitable for a rabbit, so that your rabbit and all of your furniture is kept safe and secure. A hutch … Continue reading How to bunny proof your house

What food can rabbits eat?

As mentioned in my previous post, rabbits have very delicate digestive systems and so it is very important that you only feed your rabbit foods that are good for them. There is a lot of information out there but I thought it would be handy to have it all in once place, so here we … Continue reading What food can rabbits eat?

Rabbit Awareness Week

Today marks the start of Rabbit Awareness Week! Rabbit Awareness Week is run by Burgess Excel, which is a brand of pet food that makes food for all companion animals. The event has been running for the past 16 years, with 2023 marking the 17th year of raising awareness around on the world's most misunderstood … Continue reading Rabbit Awareness Week

Quick and easy pizza recipe

The best thing about winter is the comfort food. Here in England, while it is technically considered spring now, it is still freezing cold and we are currently getting weather warnings for snow and sleet in the coming weeks. So I don't think we are out of winter just yet. Which means it is still … Continue reading Quick and easy pizza recipe

How to deal with unwanted vegan comments

While veganism has grown in popularity over the last few years, there is still a lot of ignorance around what veganism is and what it means to people. I have been vegan now for 8 years (and was vegetarian for 6 years before then) and unfortunately there are still people out there who think that … Continue reading How to deal with unwanted vegan comments

The Pros and Cons of owning a rabbit

It is Rabbit Awareness Week! I feel that rabbits are horrifically underrepresented when it comes to pet care and pet ownership. Even if you have never owned a dog or a cat, I find most people know what it takes to care for each of them. Don't get a dog unless you have the time … Continue reading The Pros and Cons of owning a rabbit