600 posts!

Goodness me, what a milestone! 600 posts about vegan food, make up, or general vegan discussion. How exciting to think that this blog started as a small little passion project to keep my busy, and look how it has grown in that time. I am excited to see how much more it can grow in … Continue reading 600 posts!

My non-negotiable daily habits

Daily writing promptWhat are your daily habits?View all responses Another fun one for you guys, and also one I hope to learn from you all too. I am someone who likes to explore a lot of hobbies and therefore I have gotten very skilled at juggling my time to ensure that I can do as … Continue reading My non-negotiable daily habits

Holiday recommendations

What countries do you want to visit? A bit of a different post, but I am in desperate need of a holiday. I have not been outside of the UK since 2019, and honestly the non-summer we are currently having in England is starting to get very depressing. I am in need of sun and … Continue reading Holiday recommendations

Should dogs follow a vegan diet?

I have seen in the news lately that more studies have come out that dogs can obtain all of their required nutrients from a vegan/plant based diet. I am relatively new to this entire debate and research topic, but from my recent investigations it seems that this is an area of animal care that is … Continue reading Should dogs follow a vegan diet?

Top 3 books of all time

Daily writing promptList three books that have had an impact on you. Why?View all responses I saw this prompt and thought that this might be a fun little activity. I also think you can tell a lot about a person based on what their favourite books are, so in an attempt to get to know … Continue reading Top 3 books of all time

Are Sea Monkeys ethical?

I am a 90s baby, so I grew up during a time when sea monkeys were all the rage. I did not, however, actually have any. Then as I became a teenager, either their popularity began to waver or I just simply wasn't exposed to them as much, because they did sort of disappear from … Continue reading Are Sea Monkeys ethical?

Time management tips for the busy

Daily writing promptHow do you balance work and home life?View all responses I am someone who tends to take on far too much. There are just so many things I would like to do and there are literally not enough hours in the day to do them all, especially when I work a full time … Continue reading Time management tips for the busy

Favourite quote for veganism

Daily writing promptDo you have a quote you live your life by or think of often?View all responses My personal favourite: In a world where you can be anything, be kind. What is a quote for veganism you love? Do you have any quotes that you live by in your daily life? I am always … Continue reading Favourite quote for veganism

Why I am vegan

Describe one positive change you have made in your life. I've been doing this blog now for about 4 years and it's only just occurred to me that I have never really explained how I came to be vegan. Everyone's journey is different and so I thought it might be nice to share my journey. … Continue reading Why I am vegan

Book Review – The Bees by Laline Paull

Book Blurb: Enter a whole new world, in this thrilling debut novel set entirely within a beehive. Born into the lowest class of her society, Flora 717 is a sanitation bee, only fit to clean her orchard hive. Living to accept, obey and serve, she is prepared to sacrifice everything for her beloved holy mother, … Continue reading Book Review – The Bees by Laline Paull