Holiday recommendations

What countries do you want to visit? A bit of a different post, but I am in desperate need of a holiday. I have not been outside of the UK since 2019, and honestly the non-summer we are currently having in England is starting to get very depressing. I am in need of sun and … Continue reading Holiday recommendations

Mr Pretzels vegan Cinnamon sugar pretzel

Soft pretzels are not a big thing here in the UK and there are only (at least from what I have seen during my time) a few places that even offer these. I know they are quite a big thing in America, but here in the UK we tend to favour the hard, crunchy pretzels. … Continue reading Mr Pretzels vegan Cinnamon sugar pretzel

Doughnut Time Tropic like it’s hot

It is slowly starting to feel like spring now in England and so naturally every food on offer if fruity, and refreshing, and just going hard with the 'summer vibes'. I am fully here for it too as I am someone who is not made for the cold and the dark, so decided to try … Continue reading Doughnut Time Tropic like it’s hot

Doughnut Time Strawberry Shortcake

It's been a while since I had a Doughnut Time, but I had a real craving for the sugar. Now Doughnut Time seem to change their menu selection on a very regular basis, so I am not sure how readily available all of their doughnuts are, nor how new they tend to be as I … Continue reading Doughnut Time Strawberry Shortcake

Crosstown vanilla bean doughnut

Another day, another doughnut. This time from Crosstown, a doughnut company that is spread out across the country but is mainly focused within London. According to their website they have around 15 locations, including stores, trucks and market stalls, all around the city so if you do plan a visit then this store will be … Continue reading Crosstown vanilla bean doughnut

Burger King bean burger

This new addition for Veganuary is technically a 'return for Veganuary' in that Burger King have brought back their bean burger for their 2024 offering. This was a product they offered as part of their main menu but they discontinued it in the last few years, no doubt to make way for their other plant … Continue reading Burger King bean burger

Doe Bakehouse Pumpkin Spiced donut

Another wonderful find in York and another reason why I am seriously ocnsidering moving to this gorgeous city. Now no doubt you will all know how much I love donuts - they are a true comfort food that very rarely ever lets me down. No matter my mood, a donut will always make it better … Continue reading Doe Bakehouse Pumpkin Spiced donut

Yole frozen ice cream

If you are American, you are probably already very familiar with this brand. However in the UK, this brand is very new - at least it is to me. I have never seen this brand before so was very excited when I saw that they clearly had advertised vegan options. Westfields is a large shopping … Continue reading Yole frozen ice cream