Should I get a rabbit?

This whole week I have been looking at ways to make sure that your rabbit is able to live their best lives and to provide you guys from some advice that I have picked up over the years that I have been a bunny parent myself. Of course these are not exhaustive - even I … Continue reading Should I get a rabbit?

How to bunny proof your house

This may be a cheat but last year I did a short post about how to bunny proof your house so that your rabbit can be free range. These tips will help make your home suitable for a rabbit, so that your rabbit and all of your furniture is kept safe and secure. A hutch … Continue reading How to bunny proof your house

What is something you want to achieve this year?

It is a new year which means that it is time to reflect on the past year and to think ahead. What goals do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? What will change for us over the next 12 months? What is something we are looking forward to in the year ahead? … Continue reading What is something you want to achieve this year?

Veganuary 2022

It is the best time of the year...Veganuary! Honestly the period between Christmas and New Years is normally so exciting because it is the time when brands and restaurants announce what new items they will be releasing for Veganuary. Obviously some are more exciting than others but the main thing is just how many brands … Continue reading Veganuary 2022

NaNaWriMo 2021

It is the 1st November which means one thing... It's National Novel Writing Month!!! I was first introduced to NaNoWriMo about 5 years ago and since then every November there has been an attempt for me to write 50,000 in the month. This works out to roughly 1700 words a day - which may not … Continue reading NaNaWriMo 2021

Taylor Tries to free roam bunnies: A journey

We have had our two bunnies, Lola (the fluffy lionhead) and Sasha (brown and white) for just over 6 months now, and I love them more than anything else in this world. They may be small, but these little bunnies make up for their size with their sass and their silly antics. They have been … Continue reading Taylor Tries to free roam bunnies: A journey

Plant Kitchen Salted Caramel Truffles

Another new addition for Veganuary comes in the form of Marks and Spencer's Plant Kitchen range. It involves a whole new range of plant based food, including these little droplets of joy - The Salted Caramel chocolate truffles. I am not usually the biggest fan of salted caramel, as all I tend to taste is … Continue reading Plant Kitchen Salted Caramel Truffles

The little things in life

Every day at work, at around 12.30pm, one of the council street cleaners will do her round outside of my office where I currently work. She pushes her cart, sweeps up old cigarette butts and crisp packets, before taking a 5 minute breather on the park bench. At around 12.45pm, the man I can only … Continue reading The little things in life

How going vegan changed my life

No hyperbole intended...But it's true. I have been vegan now for about 1 and a half years, and I am still learning new things every day. I am in no way, shape or form the 'perfect vegan' and I think that's what makes this whole life style so exciting. So if you have ever thought … Continue reading How going vegan changed my life