Simple asparagus risotto

I know it is meant to be spring at the moment, but in England it is still very much feeling like winter. It means that I am still craving hearty and warming comfort food, but still wanting to try and welcome that spring time vibe into existence. I have tested this recipe out a few … Continue reading Simple asparagus risotto

Meat Free Fridge Raiders

Finding easy snack options that are also high in protein can be quite difficult as a vegan, so finding any option is always a plus even if the food itself is not ideal. That's what these Fridge Raider packets were for me - they tasted fine, but weren't the greatest texture, but were fairly high … Continue reading Meat Free Fridge Raiders

Where do vegans get their protein from?

Despite this information being readily available online, I am still asked this question on a far too regular basis. As soon as someone hears that I'm vegan, or at least hears that I don't eat meat, I am met with the obligatory 'But what about your protein intake?' as though without meat it is only … Continue reading Where do vegans get their protein from?

Veganuary 2024

Happy New Year everyone!! 2024 is here, which means that we now have 12 months to look forward to. Do you guys have any major goals that you're looking to achieve this year? Every year I have a very optimistically long list, but I think this year I have finally made a reasonable amount of … Continue reading Veganuary 2024

Meatless farm beef, red wine and porcini mushroom girasole

I am always quite a fan of Meatless Farm products. Whilst they're food doesn't do anything revolutionary to change the vegan options available on the market, the food is always affordable and consistently tasty. So when I saw that they have released a new range of pasta dishes, I had to give them a go. … Continue reading Meatless farm beef, red wine and porcini mushroom girasole

Best sources of vegan protein

Once you tell someone that you follow a vegan lifestyle, the first question you will get is 'but where do you get your protein from?'. When I was vegetarian (so still eating eggs and dairy) I was never asked this question once, yet as soon as I went vegan it was all anyone would ask … Continue reading Best sources of vegan protein

Nourished Inner Peace nutrient stack

This is a new one for me. I have seen a load of different vegan products in my 8 years of veganism, but this was a first. I was actually given this by one of my work collegues, who in turn told me that she recieved it in a welcome pack at her new gym. … Continue reading Nourished Inner Peace nutrient stack

Wicked kitchen chunky chocolate bar

One of the big chocolate bars I miss since going vegan are the Yorkie bars. I always remember they were advertised as 'not suitable for girls' because girls couldn't handle such a big chocolate bar. Stupid right? Have you ever met a woman who would look at a chocolate bar and think 'that is too … Continue reading Wicked kitchen chunky chocolate bar

Huel mac and cheese

Back again with the Huel products. As I have said in my previous post, I remain very impressed with the amount of options that the Huel brand can offer regarding vegan food. Their entire range is plant based and vegan friendly, including all of their ready meal packets, their protein and their meal replacement smoothies. … Continue reading Huel mac and cheese