Should dogs follow a vegan diet?

I have seen in the news lately that more studies have come out that dogs can obtain all of their required nutrients from a vegan/plant based diet. I am relatively new to this entire debate and research topic, but from my recent investigations it seems that this is an area of animal care that is … Continue reading Should dogs follow a vegan diet?

Are Sea Monkeys ethical?

I am a 90s baby, so I grew up during a time when sea monkeys were all the rage. I did not, however, actually have any. Then as I became a teenager, either their popularity began to waver or I just simply wasn't exposed to them as much, because they did sort of disappear from … Continue reading Are Sea Monkeys ethical?

Dealing with loss

Last week, I had to say goodbye to my sweet, sassy, beautiful Lola Bear. We fought hard alongside her for 4 long days, but in the end, her little body just couldn't fight any longer and we had to make the heart-breaking decision that every animal carer dreads in order to help her over the … Continue reading Dealing with loss

XL Bully dog debate

What is an XL bully? The American Bully was recognised as a breed by the US United Kennel Club in 2013. The organisation describes the breed as a “natural extension” of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed, that has been crossbred with breeds including the American Bulldog, English Bulldog and Olde English Bulldogge. American bullies … Continue reading XL Bully dog debate

Should I get a rabbit?

This whole week I have been looking at ways to make sure that your rabbit is able to live their best lives and to provide you guys from some advice that I have picked up over the years that I have been a bunny parent myself. Of course these are not exhaustive - even I … Continue reading Should I get a rabbit?

How to bunny proof your house

This may be a cheat but last year I did a short post about how to bunny proof your house so that your rabbit can be free range. These tips will help make your home suitable for a rabbit, so that your rabbit and all of your furniture is kept safe and secure. A hutch … Continue reading How to bunny proof your house

What food can rabbits eat?

As mentioned in my previous post, rabbits have very delicate digestive systems and so it is very important that you only feed your rabbit foods that are good for them. There is a lot of information out there but I thought it would be handy to have it all in once place, so here we … Continue reading What food can rabbits eat?

Facts about rabbits

As cute and cuddly as rabbits are, there is a lot unknown about them in general society. As someone who has owned a rabbit now for the past 4 years, I am constantly learning new things about how best to care for my darling bunny and have had to unlearn a lot of stereotypes that … Continue reading Facts about rabbits

Rabbit Awareness Week

Today marks the start of Rabbit Awareness Week! Rabbit Awareness Week is run by Burgess Excel, which is a brand of pet food that makes food for all companion animals. The event has been running for the past 16 years, with 2023 marking the 17th year of raising awareness around on the world's most misunderstood … Continue reading Rabbit Awareness Week