XL Bully dog debate

What is an XL bully? The American Bully was recognised as a breed by the US United Kennel Club in 2013. The organisation describes the breed as a “natural extension” of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed, that has been crossbred with breeds including the American Bulldog, English Bulldog and Olde English Bulldogge. American bullies … Continue reading XL Bully dog debate

What is ear cropping?

Ear cropping - sometimes also called ear docking - is the act of cutting the ears of a dog so that the ear is either removed or damaged in someway. In most cases, the ears are cropped so that the floppy part of the ear is removed. Is there a reason for this? The main … Continue reading What is ear cropping?

Online Safety Bill and the inclusion of animal cruelty

The Online Safety Bill is currently in the Committee Stage of the parliamentary process. The Committee stage involves reading and scrutinising the Bill to ensure that there is no information missing and that the legislation it seeks to enact will be clear, concise and easy to follow. Once it has been approved at Committee Stage, … Continue reading Online Safety Bill and the inclusion of animal cruelty

Bat Appreciation Day

17 April marks International Bat Appreciation day! I always feel that bats get a bad rep, since it seems many people assume they are all vampires. International Bat Day was introduced by the Bat Conservation International (BCI) charity. This organisation was founded in 1982 and aims to conserve bats and their habitats through a combination … Continue reading Bat Appreciation Day

What is the animal holocaust?

This is quite a testy sentence that I have seen being used by a number of vegan activists, both from individuals and organisations. Whilst there is a part of me that understands why they use this language, I personally do not agree with it. I have always loved languages, especially the written language. I loved … Continue reading What is the animal holocaust?

Should pugs be banned?

You will no doubt have seen the headlines this week regarding the Blue Cross' latest campaign to tackle the 'vicious cycle of over-breeding' that is currently seen in pugs, bulldogs and other breeds of flat faced dogs. The increase in use of photos of such flat-faced dogs has led to a spike in popularity and … Continue reading Should pugs be banned?

The reality of the dairy industry

Earlier this month BBC Panorama released an expose into the diary industry. The programme contained undercover footage of a dairy farm in Wales and showed very graphic footage of abuse and violence towards the cows, the calves that were of no use being piled into skips and just the overall low conditions of the farm … Continue reading The reality of the dairy industry

‘The reality of…’ series

When I was thinking about ways to improve this little blog, I thought about some of the things I wish I had known more about before I started on my vegan journey. There is so much information out there that it can be very overwhelming to really know what the reality of a situation is: … Continue reading ‘The reality of…’ series

Is the American Dream real?

I was looking through some old photos over the weekend, and making myself sad about how I (and almost the entire world) have not had a holiday in almost 2 years!! I love travel, and now more than ever the travel blues and wanderlust has truly set in. The idea of getting on a plane … Continue reading Is the American Dream real?