The reality of the dairy industry

Earlier this month BBC Panorama released an expose into the diary industry. The programme contained undercover footage of a dairy farm in Wales and showed very graphic footage of abuse and violence towards the cows, the calves that were of no use being piled into skips and just the overall low conditions of the farm … Continue reading The reality of the dairy industry

PSA: Batman Oreos

Just doing my civic vegan duty to announce to you all that Oreo have released limited edition oreos that have batman on them! I know that America and (I think) Japan have oreos with Pokemon characters on them, so my hope is that one day they may make their way across the sea to me. … Continue reading PSA: Batman Oreos

‘The reality of…’ series

When I was thinking about ways to improve this little blog, I thought about some of the things I wish I had known more about before I started on my vegan journey. There is so much information out there that it can be very overwhelming to really know what the reality of a situation is: … Continue reading ‘The reality of…’ series

Legoland during a pandemic

One of my favourite places in the world is Legoland. I am also very lucky that I live about an hours drive from the Legoland Resort in Windsor. I have had this whole week off to celebrate my birthday, and it seemed only right to celebrate my birthday in true style! As you can see, … Continue reading Legoland during a pandemic

Kingdom Hearts 3: Worth the wait?

I know this may be a bit late to the game (no pun intended) as it did release in January this year. However, I am only now getting to the end of the game and thought now is as good a time as ever to discuss my thoughts on this game. Slight disclaimer: I have … Continue reading Kingdom Hearts 3: Worth the wait?

Video Game of the week…

This week has been a tough one! From super busy schedules to super stressful work days, this week has felt like a crazy whirlwind of activities but also the longest week of the year. And sometimes no matter how hard you try, there are some things that not even a good work out can fix … Continue reading Video Game of the week…

We are all animals

Throughout history, films have always had an impact on society: In most cases, they act as a platform for social commentary by highlighting issues within society, usually in a very subtle manner. One film I have only recently seen has highlighted all of the issues that we are now seeing in modern day society. This … Continue reading We are all animals