Are Sea Monkeys ethical?

I am a 90s baby, so I grew up during a time when sea monkeys were all the rage. I did not, however, actually have any. Then as I became a teenager, either their popularity began to waver or I just simply wasn't exposed to them as much, because they did sort of disappear from … Continue reading Are Sea Monkeys ethical?

Book Review – The Bees by Laline Paull

Book Blurb: Enter a whole new world, in this thrilling debut novel set entirely within a beehive. Born into the lowest class of her society, Flora 717 is a sanitation bee, only fit to clean her orchard hive. Living to accept, obey and serve, she is prepared to sacrifice everything for her beloved holy mother, … Continue reading Book Review – The Bees by Laline Paull

Are home grown eggs vegan?

This is a question that I have often pondered on over the years. Now I have never owned chickens, but I would of course love to. I think chickens are just so adorable, and I also really love the idea of having modern day dinosaurs wandering around my house. But I have always wondered whether … Continue reading Are home grown eggs vegan?

‘This is Vegan Propaganda’ by Ed Winters book review

Book description: Our choices can help alleviate the most pressing issues we face today: the climate crisis, infectious and chronic diseases, human exploitation and, of course, non-human exploitation. Undeniably, these issues can be uncomfortable to learn about but the benefits of doing so cannot be overstated. It is quite literally a matter of life and … Continue reading ‘This is Vegan Propaganda’ by Ed Winters book review

Floof Friday

I can alway tell when it is winter because all of the local squirrels who live in the trees around my house all look VERY chunky. I have worked out that not only are they ravenous when it comes to eating all of the bird feed from the many bird feeders dotted around the housing … Continue reading Floof Friday

Can vegans wear wool?

I saw an interesting debate online the other day about whether wool was ethical or not for vegans. The most interesting part though was that some people seemed to be very much split down the middle. Now I always advocate that veganism is a lifestyle and not a diet, in that you can eat a … Continue reading Can vegans wear wool?

Endling: Extinction is Forever – Game Review

Aside from being a very passionate vegan, I am also a big fan of video games. I am a very firm believer in that a good video game can be just as comforting and rewarding as a good book. As much as I love curling up with a good book, I have found that video … Continue reading Endling: Extinction is Forever – Game Review

Self-Care for Activists

I don't know about you guys but things seem really depressing lately. The news is of course always depressing - it seems big media companies only ever want to report on the doom and gloom and horrible events of the world and rarely ever mention something good. No matter where you look it seems there … Continue reading Self-Care for Activists

Floof Friday

A slightly different type of floof today... I went for a run the other day and spotted this absolutely massive black bird sunning himself on a branch on the other side of the canal to the one I was running along. He was probably the size of a heron (if not a little shorter) and … Continue reading Floof Friday

Online Safety Bill and the inclusion of animal cruelty

The Online Safety Bill is currently in the Committee Stage of the parliamentary process. The Committee stage involves reading and scrutinising the Bill to ensure that there is no information missing and that the legislation it seeks to enact will be clear, concise and easy to follow. Once it has been approved at Committee Stage, … Continue reading Online Safety Bill and the inclusion of animal cruelty