The Pod by Laline Paull – book review

Official blurb summary: Ea has always felt like an outsider. She suffers from a type of deafness that means she cannot master the spinning rituals that unite her pod of spinner dolphins. When tragedy strikes her family and Ea feels she is partly to blame, she decides to make the ultimate sacrifice and leave. As … Continue reading The Pod by Laline Paull – book review

New book reviews

One of the things I began to focus on more in 2023 was reading. As a child, I could read for hours at a time and easily get through a hundred books a year. Sadly, as with all childhood things, I lost the joy of reading as I grew older and my focus shifted onto … Continue reading New book reviews

New book released!

My local writing group, The Hertfordshire Writing Group, have once again released a new anthology book! The theme was 'folklore', so each story is inspired by and includes elements of folklore and fairy tales - including my story which teaches you to always be kind to spiders. This book was so much fun to be … Continue reading New book released!

Vivera plant drumsticks

As mentioned before I am currently working on achieving a number of my fitness goals. One big component of that is eating my macros, and at the stage I am at I am actually having to increase my protein intake so I can build that lean muscle. I am therefore constantly on the lookout for … Continue reading Vivera plant drumsticks

Is fashion promoting trophy hunting?

I love fashion. Whilst I could never afford many of the designer items out there, I love to see how creative fashion designers can get with their outfits and their runways. I enjoy the spectacle of it all. The glamour. The drama. I love seeing the artistic abilities of designers as well as the stylistic … Continue reading Is fashion promoting trophy hunting?

How can I be an activist?

This is a question that I have struggled with a lot, because it's so vast. For starters, what is an activist and how does it differ from being an advocate? According to the dictionary, an activist is 'a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change'. An advocate is defined as 'a person … Continue reading How can I be an activist?

How to deal with unwanted vegan comments

While veganism has grown in popularity over the last few years, there is still a lot of ignorance around what veganism is and what it means to people. I have been vegan now for 8 years (and was vegetarian for 6 years before then) and unfortunately there are still people out there who think that … Continue reading How to deal with unwanted vegan comments

What is something you want to achieve this year?

It is a new year which means that it is time to reflect on the past year and to think ahead. What goals do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? What will change for us over the next 12 months? What is something we are looking forward to in the year ahead? … Continue reading What is something you want to achieve this year?