Rimmel kind and free pressed powder

The sun has finally appeared in England so I am currently trialling a lighter make up base. I have been using this throughout winter as a setting powder, to even out my colour and to just provide light touch ups throughout the day should I need it. But this is the first time I've been … Continue reading Rimmel kind and free pressed powder

Max Factor all day flawless 3-in-1 foundation

Before I went vegan, my favourite brand of make up was always Max Factor. I always found their products to be very high quality without costing an insane amount of money. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am not a make up expert, so I have never needed my make up to do … Continue reading Max Factor all day flawless 3-in-1 foundation

Rimmel London Tinted multistick

The weather here in England is still horrible, with it raining 90% of the time and, despite it supposedly being spring now, it still feels like winter. So in an attempt to keep the seasonal depression at bay, I am trying to manifest some summery vibes but adding a little bit of colour to my … Continue reading Rimmel London Tinted multistick

Vitamin E oatmeal exfoliator

As part of my new years resolution, I am trying to focus more on my skincare and actually have a proper routine that works for me. I have used this before, but never in any sort of routine. I have however been using it regularly now for about 6 months, which I think has been … Continue reading Vitamin E oatmeal exfoliator

Lush jelly soap – Snow fairy

Christmas is always my favourite time of the year, mainly because the snow fairy collection at Lush is released! This stuff smells so good and instantly lifts my mood with its bubblegum and candy smells. So of course, come January and the Boxing Day sales, I try my best to stock up on the snow fairy … Continue reading Lush jelly soap – Snow fairy

500 posts

This post marks 500 posts on Taylor Talks Vegan. How bizarre is that?! To think that this entire blog started as somewhere for me to share my vegan food finds and what I thought would just be a little fun project has actually become something that I put a lot of my time into, and … Continue reading 500 posts

Covent Garden Flower Market

I recently got married (yay me!) and one of the biggest stressors I found was trying to sort out flowers. It seems that as soon as florists hear the word 'wedding', the cost for flowers immediately jumps up a couple hundred quid and then you're spending more money on flowers than you did on the … Continue reading Covent Garden Flower Market