My non-negotiable daily habits

Daily writing promptWhat are your daily habits?View all responses Another fun one for you guys, and also one I hope to learn from you all too. I am someone who likes to explore a lot of hobbies and therefore I have gotten very skilled at juggling my time to ensure that I can do as … Continue reading My non-negotiable daily habits

Time management tips for the busy

Daily writing promptHow do you balance work and home life?View all responses I am someone who tends to take on far too much. There are just so many things I would like to do and there are literally not enough hours in the day to do them all, especially when I work a full time … Continue reading Time management tips for the busy

Rimmel kind and free pressed powder

The sun has finally appeared in England so I am currently trialling a lighter make up base. I have been using this throughout winter as a setting powder, to even out my colour and to just provide light touch ups throughout the day should I need it. But this is the first time I've been … Continue reading Rimmel kind and free pressed powder

Favourite quote for veganism

Daily writing promptDo you have a quote you live your life by or think of often?View all responses My personal favourite: In a world where you can be anything, be kind. What is a quote for veganism you love? Do you have any quotes that you live by in your daily life? I am always … Continue reading Favourite quote for veganism

Why I am vegan

Describe one positive change you have made in your life. I've been doing this blog now for about 4 years and it's only just occurred to me that I have never really explained how I came to be vegan. Everyone's journey is different and so I thought it might be nice to share my journey. … Continue reading Why I am vegan

Dealing with loss

Last week, I had to say goodbye to my sweet, sassy, beautiful Lola Bear. We fought hard alongside her for 4 long days, but in the end, her little body just couldn't fight any longer and we had to make the heart-breaking decision that every animal carer dreads in order to help her over the … Continue reading Dealing with loss

Is veganism healthy?

Daily writing promptWhat’s something most people don’t understand?View all responses This is a fun conversation I like to have with people. As soon as people hear that I am vegan, they automatically assume that I am super healthy and eat nothing but home cooked meals and have not even looked at a bit of junk … Continue reading Is veganism healthy?

Are home grown eggs vegan?

This is a question that I have often pondered on over the years. Now I have never owned chickens, but I would of course love to. I think chickens are just so adorable, and I also really love the idea of having modern day dinosaurs wandering around my house. But I have always wondered whether … Continue reading Are home grown eggs vegan?

When you forget to check the ingredients…

I fancied a little bit of chocolate over this weekend and so treated myself to some of the Monty Bojangles truffles, because they are just too good to say no to. Except, I didn't realise that Monty Bojangles were not a totally vegan brand - I usually only see their vegan options, so when I … Continue reading When you forget to check the ingredients…

Where do vegans get their protein from?

Despite this information being readily available online, I am still asked this question on a far too regular basis. As soon as someone hears that I'm vegan, or at least hears that I don't eat meat, I am met with the obligatory 'But what about your protein intake?' as though without meat it is only … Continue reading Where do vegans get their protein from?